Female Otezla Commercial Actress

Female Otezla Commercial Actress - Explore the otezla commercial featuring tara and ned. Uncover the mystery of the otezla commercial actress, her inspiring role, and the cast behind this impactful ad Contrary to what some may believe, tara is not an actress hired to play a role in the otezla commercial. She is a real person who has been living with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis for. The star of the otezla commercial. Tara is played by actress and model, aisha jackson. Aisha is an accomplished actress with a background in theatre, film,. The otezla commercial girl is shanice szabo, an actress and model who has starred in a variety of commercials and campaigns. She stars in the otezla commercial. The otezla commercial actresses are a group of talented women who have come together to share their stories about living with psoriasis. The commercial features women of various ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds, all of whom have personal experiences with the skin condition. According to celgene’s website, the actors in the otezla commercial are bria l. Holmes, nicole o’neill, michael cassidy, justin m. Rice, and daniel lee. In 2025, otezla launched a new commercial campaign featuring a young black girl, highlighting the struggles of living with psoriasis and the importance of seeking treatment. If you’ve seen the otezla commercial, you may be wondering about the talented actress who brings the character to life. In this article, we will delve into the world of the actress from the. Katie amis is not the actress in the blue dress appearing in the commercial. She is credited as the voiceover. Identifying who plays tara, it’s brittany snow, an talented hollywood actress with a compassionate mission to raise awareness for psoriasis treatment via otezla commercial. Tara is a fictional character created by the pharmaceutical company to represent the millions of people who suffer from conditions like psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Here are 8 interesting. The otezla commercial featuring nicole beharie is significant because it showcases a black actress in a leading role, breaking away from the traditional depiction of women with. Explore the otezla commercial featuring tara and ned. Uncover the mystery of the otezla commercial actress, her inspiring role, and the cast behind this impactful ad Contrary to what some may believe, tara is not an actress hired to play a role in the otezla commercial. She is a real person who has been living with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis for. The star of the otezla commercial. Tara is played by actress and model, aisha jackson. Aisha is an accomplished actress with a background in theatre, film,. The otezla commercial girl is shanice szabo, an actress and model who has starred in a variety of commercials and campaigns. She stars in the otezla commercial. The otezla commercial actresses are a group of talented women who have come together to share their stories about living with psoriasis. The commercial features women of various ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds, all of whom have personal experiences with the skin condition. According to celgene’s website, the actors in the otezla commercial are bria l. Holmes, nicole o’neill, michael cassidy, justin m. Rice, and daniel lee. In 2025, otezla launched a new commercial campaign featuring a young black girl, highlighting the struggles of living with psoriasis and the importance of seeking treatment.

Explore the otezla commercial featuring tara and ned. Uncover the mystery of the otezla commercial actress, her inspiring role, and the cast behind this impactful ad Contrary to what some may believe, tara is not an actress hired to play a role in the otezla commercial. She is a real person who has been living with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis for. The star of the otezla commercial. Tara is played by actress and model, aisha jackson. Aisha is an accomplished actress with a background in theatre, film,. The otezla commercial girl is shanice szabo, an actress and model who has starred in a variety of commercials and campaigns. She stars in the otezla commercial. The otezla commercial actresses are a group of talented women who have come together to share their stories about living with psoriasis. The commercial features women of various ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds, all of whom have personal experiences with the skin condition. According to celgene’s website, the actors in the otezla commercial are bria l. Holmes, nicole o’neill, michael cassidy, justin m. Rice, and daniel lee. In 2025, otezla launched a new commercial campaign featuring a young black girl, highlighting the struggles of living with psoriasis and the importance of seeking treatment. If you’ve seen the otezla commercial, you may be wondering about the talented actress who brings the character to life. In this article, we will delve into the world of the actress from the.

Female Otezla Commercial Actress